The Art of Reading: Do Graphic Novels Count?

student enjoying a graphic novel
Masthead Waves

At Beanstack, we're all about celebrating every kind of reading! Graphic novels, in particular, are having a major moment. These illustrated treasures have snagged some of the most prestigious awards out there, like the Newbery Medal and the Pulitzer Prize. Their blend of visuals and fewer words makes them a fantastic entry point for kids who might not usually be as inclined to read. Dive in to discover more about graphic novels, and don’t miss our top picks!

The Rise of Graphic Novels

The Rise of Graphic Novels

Graphic novels have experienced a significant rise in popularity in recent years. Once a niche genre, they’re now front and center, celebrated as a legitimate and powerful form of storytelling. With their visually appealing illustrations and engaging narratives, graphic novels have captivated readers of all ages and backgrounds. 


The rise of graphic novels can be attributed to several factors. First, there's the growing acceptance of comics as an art form. As more talented artists and writers experimented with the medium, graphic novels gained credibility and attracted a broader audience. Additionally, the success of comic book adaptations in movies and television has boosted awareness and sparked even more interest in the medium.


Graphic novels excel at exploring complex themes and deep, thought-provoking stories. Some might think that having illustrations makes them less challenging or sophisticated than regular novels, but that's not true at all. Graphic novels have pushed the boundaries of storytelling, showing how visuals can beautifully enhance and complement the written word. Another bonus is that many graphic novels have high reading levels, encouraging kids to tackle more complex texts.


The Literary Merit of Graphic Novels

Graphic novels possess a unique literary merit that sets them apart from other forms of literature. They combine visual artistry with storytelling techniques to create a rich, immersive reading experience. The illustrations allow for a deeper understanding and interpretation of the narrative, as readers can visualize the characters' emotions, settings, and actions.


Moreover, graphic novels often use sophisticated literary devices like symbolism, foreshadowing, and metaphor, just like their traditional counterparts. Combining text and visuals allows for a more nuanced and layered storytelling approach, enabling readers to engage with the narrative on multiple levels. This blending of art and literature makes graphic novels a unique and valuable form of reading. 


In appreciation of their value and literary merit, graphic novels have started to receive the recognition they deserve. In recent years, major literary awards have been bestowed on graphic novels. Here are a few standout examples:


Newbery Medal 

2023 Honor Book: Mexikid by Pedro Martín

2020 Winner: New Kid by Jerry Craft

2015 Honor Book: El Deafo by Cece Bell

2016 Honor Book: Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson


National Book Award

2023 Winner: A First Time for Everything by Dan Santat

2020 Finalist: When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed

2015 Finalist: Nimona by ND Stevenson


Pulitzer Prize 

1992 Winner Maus by Art Spiegelman


The Cognitive Benefits of Graphic Novels

Reading graphic novels offers all sorts of cognitive perks. Their visual nature stimulates the brain, enhancing comprehension and retention. The complexity of integrating images and text requires more mental effort as readers fill in narrative gaps without traditional prose. By engaging both visual and verbal parts of the brain, graphic novels help develop strong visual literacy skills, essential in today's image-driven world.


Additionally, graphic novels' combination of text and visuals promotes critical thinking and analysis. Readers must interpret and connect the illustrations with the written narrative, fostering higher-order thinking skills. Synthesizing information from different sources helps improve overall cognitive abilities.


Graphic novels offer a unique advantage for struggling or unmotivated readers. The visual cues the illustrations provide assist in comprehension, making the reading experience more accessible and enjoyable. For those who have found traditional texts challenging, graphic novels can serve as an inviting gateway to the world of reading. Combining text and images creates a more approachable format, often sparking interest in readers who might feel intimidated by pages full of words alone.


The Importance of Personal Preference

When considering what "counts" as reading, we should reflect on our experiences. After all, we connect with stories and ideas in our own unique ways. Some might lose themselves in the pages of a traditional novel, while others find that graphic novels bring the words to life. The key is letting people, including kids, read whatever appeals to them, fostering a genuine love for reading. Imagine loving romance books and someone telling you, "No more romance!" That could turn you off reading altogether. Reading should be a pleasurable and enjoyable experience, and individuals should be free to choose the format that resonates with them.


What truly matters is engaging with a narrative, regardless of the medium. Whether turning pages, admiring illustrations, or listening intently, the goal remains the same: to immerse ourselves in the world of storytelling and derive meaning and enjoyment. This fosters a love for reading and nurtures lifelong readers. Embracing diverse reading habits and recognizing the value of various formats is essential.


Graphic Novel Recommendations

Graphic Novel Recommended Reading Lists

Explore a diverse array of captivating stories and eye-catching graphic novels with our top recommendations. Whether you're new to the graphic novel scene or a seasoned reader looking for your next page-turner, we've got something for everyone. Our handpicked selections cover a range of styles and genres, ensuring you'll find a story that speaks to you, no matter your reading level or interests.

Ready for more exploring? Listen to the following interviews from The Reading Culture podcast to hear from some of today’s most beloved graphic novel authors and illustrators.


Celebrate ALL Reading

Reading is reading, no matter the format. Whether you're flipping pages, swiping screens, or listening on the go, every story you engage with counts. At the end of the day, it's all about feeding your mind and imagination.


At Beanstack, we celebrate all reading journeys, whatever shape they may take, and we want to help readers build positive habits. From picture books to novels, every page devoured a little cheer.

Curious to see how we can spark a reading revolution in your community? Our team is ready to help. Let's chat about turning reading into a rewarding adventure for everyone. Already a Beanstack client? Check out the graphic novel-themed reading challenges on the challenge template browser.

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