Ultimate Post-Summer Reading Challenge Checklist

Masthead Waves

As we end the summer reading challenge, it's time to celebrate all the hard work and dedication of participants. This checklist will guide you in acknowledging and praising those who took part in the challenge while setting the stage for upcoming events that will continue fostering a love for reading. So get ready to wrap up this chapter of your challenge calendar and gear up for the exciting journey ahead in promoting literacy and a passion for reading.

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Celebrate Success and Maintaining Momentum 

Kicking off your summer reading challenge takes time and planning, but as the saying goes, start strong and finish stronger. Showcasing highlights and shoutouts is a fantastic way to celebrate your participants' amazing accomplishments, and giving a nod to their hard work not only rewards their efforts but also generates excitement for the next challenge. As our CEO, Felix Lloyd, mentioned in a recent article for the Learning Counsel, “Recognizing the accomplishments of individuals and groups who excel in their reading endeavors can be equally or more effective than physical prizes... Acknowledging their hard work pays off and keeps the momentum going.” By embracing this approach, you can inspire even more readers to join in the fun next time around. We’ve included a checklist to help you do so as you round out your summer reading challenge.


Personalize Certificates of Completion

Looking to enhance your summer reading challenge? Personalizing certificates of completion adds a special touch to any summer reading challenge. It’s an excellent way to recognize and celebrate your participants' accomplishments, making them feel valued and appreciated. Here are some tips for personalizing certificates:

  • Include the participant's name: This will make the certificate feel personalized and meaningful.
  • Add a congratulatory message: Write a heartfelt message congratulating the participant for completing the summer reading challenge. This will help them feel proud of their achievement while acknowledging their hard work.
  • Be strategic with design and color: Choose a design and color scheme that aligns with the theme of your reading challenge to help the certificate feel cohesive with your overall branding.
  • Consider adding a digital option: In addition to a physical certificate, offer participants the option to download a digital certificate that they can share on social media or print at home.

Remember, personalizing certificates of completion shows your appreciation for the participants' dedication and motivates them to continue participating in future reading challenges. This thoughtful gesture can inspire a lifelong love of reading and help instill a sense of community among participants. 


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Create Customized Bookmarks

Creating customized bookmarks is an exciting way to add a personal touch and memorable keepsake to conclude your summer reading challenge. These personalized bookmarks serve as a practical tool and a lasting memento of the participants' journey and achievements. Here's how you can create them:

  • Design your bookmarks: Use design software or online tools to create visually appealing bookmarks. You can include the name of your reading challenge, a motivating quote, or colorful illustrations. 
  • Incorporate branding: The bookmarks should include your library or organization's logo and branding elements. This will help promote your brand and create a cohesive look.
  • Add a message: To engage your readers and enhance the reading challenge experience, include a heartfelt message of appreciation or a witty book-themed quip.
  • Print and distribute: Once you've designed the bookmarks, print them on high-quality paper or cardstock. You can distribute them to participants as a reward for completing the challenge or offer them to the community as a promotional item.

Customized bookmarks make the reading experience fun and serve as a cherished reminder of the summer reading challenge. These thoughtful keepsakes can inspire participants to continue their reading journey as they think back on their accomplishments and the joy of reading.


Utilize Email Marketing to Reach Participants

Email marketing provides an easy way to reach participants and thank them for taking part in your summer reading challenge. Include final metrics like total participants, total minutes read, and the most-read titles by age group. Or send them their certificate of completion if they have finished the challenge. Here are some ways you can effectively utilize email marketing:

  • Build a mailing list: Start by building a mailing list of participants who have signed up for the reading challenge. You can collect email addresses during registration or through opt-in forms on your website or social media platforms.
  • Segment your audience: Segment your mailing list based on participants' reading preferences, age groups, or any other relevant criteria, like how much they participated in the challenge. This will allow you to send targeted emails that resonate with each group.
  • Send regular updates: Keep participants informed about upcoming events, new book recommendations, and any changes or additions to the reading challenge. Be sure to make the emails engaging and visually appealing to grab their attention.
  • Personalize the emails: Address participants by their names and tailor the content to their interests whenever possible. This personal touch will make them feel valued and more likely to continue participating.
  • Include a call-to-action: Encourage participants to take specific actions, such as registering for future reading challenges, joining book discussions, or sharing their progress on social media. Make it easy for them to click a button and complete the action.

Email marketing can help you stay connected with your participants, showing them you appreciate their efforts and keeping the excitement for reading alive. This approach ensures your community stays engaged, informed, and ready for future reading challenges. Building these lasting relationships contributes to a fun and thriving reading culture.


Showcase Highlights and Shoutouts on Social Media

Showcasing highlights and shoutouts on social media is an exciting way to celebrate participants’ achievements and build enthusiasm for upcoming reading challenges. By sharing their stories and accomplishments, you not only honor their hard work but also inspire others to get involved and join the fun. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Create engaging posts: Share photos, videos, or quotes related to the summer reading challenge on your social media channels. Make the posts visually appealing and use captions that highlight participants' accomplishments.
  • Feature participants' stories: Ask participants to share their favorite books or reading experiences from the challenge. You can feature these stories on your social media platforms to inspire others and create a sense of community.
  • Give shoutouts: Recognize participants who have completed the reading challenge or achieved significant milestones. Tag them in your posts and express your appreciation for their dedication. This will motivate others to join future reading challenges.
  • Promote upcoming events: Use these social media posts to promote your upcoming reading challenges. Share the dates, themes, and any exciting activities or prizes participants can look forward to.

You can create a vibrant community around your reading challenges by actively highlighting achievements and giving shoutouts on social media. This engagement generates buzz and excitement, attracting more participants and fostering a love for reading that extends beyond the challenge itself. Encourage everyone to share their experiences and watch your reading community grow!

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Look to the Future

Closing out the summer reading challenge is your chance to set the stage for future fun and engagement. By celebrating achievements and spreading joy, you lay the groundwork for even more readers to jump on board next time. If you’re looking for more ideas, you can reach out to your success manager for extra inspiration. Or, if you’re hoping to kick off year-round reading challenges, you can contact our sales team to make it happen!


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