
Masthead Waves

Upcoming Events

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  • {% set tag = convert_to_hubdb_option({'id':8,'name':'beanstack_live','order':null,'label':'Beanstack Live'} ) %}{% if 'beanstack_live' == tag_name %} {% macro tag_color(tag) %}{% if tag.label == 'Training' %}yellow{% elif tag.label == 'Conference' %}teal{% elif tag.label == 'Beanstack Live' %}red{% endif %}{% endmacro %}{% set tag = convert_to_hubdb_option({'id':8,'name':'beanstack_live','order':null,'label':'Beanstack Live'} ) %}{{ tag({color: '{{ tag_color(tag) }}', size: 'medium', type: 'link', text: 'Beanstack Live', href: '{{ content.absolute_url }}?page_num=1&tag_name=&past_events={{past_date}}#events', active: true}) }} {% else %} {% macro tag_color(tag) %}{% if tag.label == 'Training' %}yellow{% elif tag.label == 'Conference' %}teal{% elif tag.label == 'Beanstack Live' %}red{% endif %}{% endmacro %}{% set tag = convert_to_hubdb_option({'id':8,'name':'beanstack_live','order':null,'label':'Beanstack Live'} ) %}{{ tag({color: '{{ tag_color(tag) }}', size: 'medium', type: 'link', text: 'Beanstack Live', href: '{{ content.absolute_url }}?page_num=1&tag_name={{ }}&past_events={{past_date}}#events'}) }} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
    {% for __ignored__ in [0] %}
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  • {% endfor %}
[{id=186976578726, createdAt=1741294311810, updatedAt=1741295905935, path='beanstack-edu-all-things-incentives', name='Beanstack EDU: All Things Incentives', 1='{type=string, value=Beanstack EDU: All Things Incentives}', 2='{type=number, value=1742306400000}', 3='{type=number, value=0}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=535,height=301,url='',altText='Beanstack EDU Image-1',fileId=184673083963}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='training', order=0, label='Training'}]}', 7='{type=number, value=1}', 8='{type=string, value=Learn how Beanstack can streamline and enhance the incentives you use to drive participation in summer reading programs. Come to get a crash course in Beanstack's rewards, tickets, and drawings, and get inspired by real-world examples of how our library partners leverage these tools. }', 10='{type=list, value=[{id=186976640433, name='Nicole Lopez'}]}', 12='{type=string, value=}', 13='{type=option, value={id=4, name='pink', order=3, label='Pink'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='library', order=1, label='Library'}]}'}, {id=186976578731, createdAt=1741294518138, updatedAt=1741295965837, path='beanstack-edu-teacher-essentials', name='Beanstack EDU: Teacher Essentials', 1='{type=string, value=Beanstack EDU: Teacher Essentials}', 2='{type=number, value=1742310000000}', 3='{type=number, value=0}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=535,height=301,url='',altText='Beanstack EDU Image-1',fileId=184673083963}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='training', order=0, label='Training'}]}', 7='{type=number, value=1}', 8='{type=string, value=Creating reading challenges, viewing insights, leaderboards, and reports, logging for classes}', 10='{type=list, value=[{id=186965441899, name='Tammy McIntyre'}]}', 12='{type=string, value=}', 13='{type=option, value={id=8, name='red', order=7, label='Red'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='school', order=0, label='School'}]}'}, {id=186651085578, createdAt=1740625203407, updatedAt=1741283118922, path='turning-homeroom-teachers-into-reading-champions', name='Turning Homeroom Teachers Into Reading Champions', 1='{type=string, value=Turning Homeroom Teachers Into Reading Champions}', 2='{type=number, value=1742396400000}', 3='{type=number, value=1}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=1810,height=801,url='',altText='thumbnail',fileId=null}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=8, name='beanstack_live', order=2, label='Beanstack Live'}]}', 7='{type=number, value=1}', 8='{type=string, value=

Discover how homeroom teachers can be key players in building a culture of reading and driving student participation in reading challenges. Learn practical strategies to engage teachers in your library initiatives—including Beanstack—and empower them to inspire readers in every classroom. 


Our expert panelists, Jessica Juarez, district librarian of Robstown ISD (TX), and Holly Frilot, library media education supervisor at Cobb County School District (GA), will share practical strategies, success stories, and insights to engage homeroom teachers. 


Whether you're seeking fresh ideas, best practices, or inspiration to boost reading engagement in your classrooms, this conversation will provide actionable takeaways you can implement right away!

}', 9='{type=string, value=Meta Description}', 10='{type=list, value=[{id=186663715939, name='Jordan Lloyd Bookey'}, {id=186964216450, name='Holly Frilot'}, {id=186966295335, name='Jessica Juarez'}]}', 12='{type=string, value=}', 13='{type=option, value={id=3, name='teal', order=2, label='Teal'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='school', order=0, label='School'}]}'}, {id=186978840947, createdAt=1741291002255, updatedAt=1741295876475, path='beanstack-edu-library-front-line-staff-essentials', name='Beanstack EDU: Library Front Line Staff Essentials', 1='{type=string, value=Beanstack EDU: Library Front Line Staff Essentials}', 2='{type=number, value=1743084000000}', 3='{type=number, value=0}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=535,height=301,url='',altText='Beanstack EDU Image-1',fileId=184673083963}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='training', order=0, label='Training'}]}', 7='{type=number, value=1}', 8='{type=string, value=This one hour session is for those users with Staff and higher level access and will cover the basic staff fundamentals.

Topics Covered in this Session:
  • Patron Overview (web & mobile)
  • Dashboard Overview
  • Account Creators & Readers
  • Creating New Accounts
  • Updating existing accounts
}', 10='{type=list, value=[{id=186976640149, name='Kat Gatcomb'}]}', 12='{type=string, value=}', 13='{type=option, value={id=1, name='orange', order=0, label='Orange'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='library', order=1, label='Library'}]}'}, {id=186965443440, createdAt=1741283508496, updatedAt=1741288518841, path='texas-library-association-conference', name='Texas Library Association Conference', 1='{type=string, value=Texas Library Association Conference}', 2='{type=number, value=1743465600000}', 3='{type=number, value=0}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=3620,height=1601,url='',altText='Peer Connections_Header',fileId=184003594109}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='conferences', order=1, label='Conference'}]}', 6='{type=location, value={lat=32.777977, lon=-96.79621}}', 7='{type=number, value=0}', 8='{type=string, value=We can't wait to see you there! Drop a note to and let us know if you're going.}', 11='{type=string, value=Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas}', 13='{type=option, value={id=4, name='pink', order=3, label='Pink'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='school', order=0, label='School'}]}'}, {id=186965443444, createdAt=1741283745572, updatedAt=1741288524233, path='pennsylvania-school-library-association-conference', name='Pennsylvania School Library Association Conference', 1='{type=string, value=Pennsylvania School Library Association Conference}', 2='{type=number, value=1743638400000}', 3='{type=number, value=0}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=3620,height=1601,url='',altText='Peer Connections_Header',fileId=184003594109}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='conferences', order=1, label='Conference'}]}', 6='{type=location, value={lat=42.127953, lon=-80.08258}}', 7='{type=number, value=0}', 8='{type=string, value=We can't wait to see you there! Drop a note to and let us know if you're going.}', 11='{type=string, value=Bayfront Convention Center}', 13='{type=option, value={id=3, name='teal', order=2, label='Teal'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='school', order=0, label='School'}]}'}, {id=186969315859, createdAt=1741283947935, updatedAt=1741288530801, path='missouri-association-of-school-libraries-annual-conference', name='Missouri Association of School Libraries Annual Conference', 1='{type=string, value=Missouri Association of School Libraries Annual Conference}', 2='{type=number, value=1744502400000}', 3='{type=number, value=0}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=3620,height=1601,url='',altText='Peer Connections_Header',fileId=184003594109}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='conferences', order=1, label='Conference'}]}', 6='{type=location, value={lat=38.147385, lon=-92.62137}}', 7='{type=number, value=0}', 8='{type=string, value=We can't wait to see you there! Drop a note to and let us know if you're going.}', 11='{type=string, value=Tan-Tar-a Resort}', 13='{type=option, value={id=6, name='purple', order=5, label='Purple'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='school', order=0, label='School'}]}'}, {id=186976639854, createdAt=1741295091410, updatedAt=1741296051072, path='beanstack-edu-driving-engagement-with-your-summer-reading-challenge', name='Beanstack EDU: Driving Engagement with Your Summer Reading Challenge', 1='{type=string, value=Beanstack EDU: Driving Engagement with Your Summer Reading Challenge}', 2='{type=number, value=1744729200000}', 3='{type=number, value=0}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=535,height=301,url='',altText='Beanstack EDU Image-1',fileId=184673083963}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='training', order=0, label='Training'}]}', 7='{type=number, value=1}', 8='{type=string, value=Actions to take during your summer reading challenge to drive engagement using data and insights to track progress toward goal, provide incentives and recognition, and create friendly competition}', 10='{type=list, value=[{id=186965441899, name='Tammy McIntyre'}]}', 12='{type=string, value=}', 13='{type=option, value={id=3, name='teal', order=2, label='Teal'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='school', order=0, label='School'}]}'}, {id=186976578725, createdAt=1741294232504, updatedAt=1741295889416, path='beanstack-edu-community-goals-for-community-engagement', name='Beanstack EDU: Community Goals for Community Engagement', 1='{type=string, value=Beanstack EDU: Community Goals for Community Engagement}', 2='{type=number, value=1745330400000}', 3='{type=number, value=0}', 4='{type=image, value=Image{width=535,height=301,url='',altText='Beanstack EDU Image-1',fileId=184673083963}}', 5='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='training', order=0, label='Training'}]}', 7='{type=number, value=1}', 8='{type=string, value=Learn how to leverage Beanstack's community goal functionality to drive engagement with summer reading and hear how libraries are celebrating reaching their goals by re-investing in their community. }', 10='{type=list, value=[{id=186976640433, name='Nicole Lopez'}]}', 12='{type=string, value=}', 13='{type=option, value={id=3, name='teal', order=2, label='Teal'}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='library', order=1, label='Library'}]}'}] {% set class = 'grid-container' %}