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Our Goal

 Welcome to Beanstack,

MNPS Family and Friends!

In Metro Nashville Public Schools, we are building readers and the 2024-2025 school year is the year to do it. What we need from you is simple; choose a book to read, read at least 20 minutes a day and track your reading here. We are excited to share the power of reading with you, your teachers, family, and friends. If you have questions, see your school librarian. Happy reading!

Students will sign in with their Classlink login information through the site’s homepage and begin tracking their minutes. Please ask the school librarian or your student’s teacher if they need help with their username and password.

There's an app for that!

To Download the Beanstack Tracker App, visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search for ‘Beanstack’. Or scan the QR code below to be taken right there!

Once you’re in the app, choose "School, Library, or Bookstore", then search for your school name. Sign in using your student username and your 6-digit birthdate (mmddyy) as your password.

QR code