Gain Reading Data and Insights

Easily track and report on reading progress with real-time data and actionable insights right at your fingertips.

Masthead Waves

Powerful Reading Data Analytics

Simplify your workload with data gathering, analytics, and reporting all in Beanstack. Our streamlined admin dashboard compiles all the metrics you need into useful datasets that chart student and reader progress and illuminate reading insights.

  • Fast

    Monitor any reading data point, from active readers to total minutes read, in real-time.

  • Thorough

    Choose from hundreds of reports in our database to get the reading data you need.

  • Customizable

    Pick any metrics, time frames, and reading challenges with our dynamic analytics tool.

  • Organized

    Favorite, download, and schedule reports to stay on top of reading data management.

  • Secure

    Protect your data with rigorous privacy and security standards, including COPPA and SOPPA compliance.

Multiple Levels of Reporting and Accountability

Our comprehensive reporting gives you high- and low-level reading insights. We have data tools for individual public libraries, charter schools, consortiums, school districts, regional groups, and state-level agencies.

Chart participation over time and get visualizations of top books read and earned badges with the analytics tools in your reading insights tab.

Our robust reporting system helps media specialists, teachers, administrators, and librarians to break down big data by metrics like class, grade, branch, and more.

Sections of Beanstack Admin dashboard displaying reading challenge activities, digital badges earned, and top books read during reading challenge
“Beanstack makes my job so much easier by offering constantly-updated digital reports. It's easy to use and saves me a ton of time while tracking statistics.”
Elizabeth Miller Rehoboth Beach Public Library, Delaware
“The reports especially have been really easy and fun to use!”
Ryan Whelpley Ashtabula County District Library, Ohio
“I love that it gives me reports any time so that I can post student progress. I love how the whole staff is so friendly and helpful.”
Rosemarie Winston Broward County Public Schools, Florida
“Beanstack is a great way for students and teachers to manage reading logs and see what they love to read. It is a great tool for librarians as well, as we can easily access reports and challenges to keep readers engaged!”
Megan Gaynor School District of Solon Springs, Wisconsin

360° View of Your Readers

Move your data beyond just summer reading or school-year tracking and implement an integrated, year-round solution with Beanstack. Analyze reading gains over time and get meaningful insight into student and reader progress.

Sync up with your public library or school district through our unique tandem process and capture even more data. Once connected, reading logged for a library account gets transferred to their student account and vice versa, giving you a holistic picture of your community's reading habits.

We partner up with popular tools to make your experience smooth and simple. We can integrate with your roster service to use important student, teacher, class, and school data, as well as allow readers to import their Epic! reading sessions right into Beanstack.

Beanstack tandem connection feature syncing student account at library and school

Consolidate Your Data

Eliminate disorganization by using one centralized reading data warehouse. You can input all your offline readers' info and paper logs into Beanstack for unified data storage, without worrying about multiple spreadsheets and storage space. And when it's time to sift through your data, on-demand reports and insights make it manageable.

Reading log for library patron displaying individual reading sessions and patron contact information

Ensure Privacy and Data Security

We keep your data safe, secure, and private. As a signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, we are committed to protecting and limiting the collection of any personally identifiable information at the highest levels. Plus, we never sell data, authorize behavioral tracking, or show ads on our platform

Become Data Driven

With instant feedback, long-term data analysis, and deeper insights, you can make informed decisions to optimize your literacy efforts and drive real change in your community. Our data analytics give you confidence in your decision making and community impact.

Target Your Interventions

Monitor reading habits and trends, whether for specific accounts or larger grades and groups, to grow reluctant readers' reading skill and fluency through focused reading support and incentives.

Beanstack reading report for an elementary school class that includes student name, teacher, age, and reading challenge badges earned
  • Transform Data into Action with Benny

    Book Talks with Benny reveal comprehension gaps, uncover reading patterns, and validate log entries—all while making reading data more meaningful for teachers and administrators.

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  • Boost Reading Growth with Lexile Insights

    Lexile Insights helps you understand student reading levels, identify those needing support, and customize book recommendations. It turns data into a clear path for success.

    Read More

Work With Reading Experts

  • With more than 13 million readers using Beanstack, we dive into research, sort raw data, and glean actionable data insights for you. Our team delves deep into literacy trends, reading engagement statistics, and historical data to constantly improve our product and give you valuable insight into best practices.

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  • The Beanstack community is 15,000 libraries and schools strong. Our dedicated client success team fosters transparent dialogue through newsletters, roundtables, webinars, and reports to share tips, trends, actionable insights, and best practices for motivating reading.

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Demonstrate Your Impact

Use data insights to advocate for your staff and your funding. Whether creating public library board presentations or fulfilling school district reporting requirements, you can illustrate your impact and tell your community's reading success story with Beanstack's analytics.

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See how Beanstack's reports and insights can help your staff and community.